Coral Reefs have been hit hard by a number of stressors over the past several decades. Impacts such as over fishing, habitat destruction, nutrient runoff and climate change have contributed to a down turn in coral health world wide. With increased ocean temperatures and changing ocean chemistry rapidly occurring across the globe, the future of coral reefs is in the balance.
The Coral Reef Rescue Initiative (CRRI) is a global partnership with governments, private sector, international NGOs, and civil society partners to sustain and restore the health of coral reef ecosystems in the face of climate change.
Saving 70 with 7
The approach of the CRRI is to focus conservation efforts at targeted locations where climate change impacts on coral are lower. A global analysis (led by University of Queensland and partners) revealed that some reefs have a substantially lower exposure to climate change stress due to local oceanographic conditions such as currents and up-welling. Many of these sites are linked to surrounding coral reefs via ocean currents which transport coral larvae and fish. These resilient and connected reefs embody the regeneration potential for the world’s reefs once the stresses resulting from climate change have stabilized and are decreasing. Around 70% of these “climate-resilient” coral reefs can be found in just 7 countries. By working in these countries to improve local threats and support strategic regeneration of corals, we have the greatest chance to save corals for the future. The seven countries that the CRRI works in are: Tanzania, Madagascar, Philippines, Indonesia, Fiji, Solomon Islands, and Cuba.

Resilient Reefs. Resilient Communities
An estimated 120 million people are dependent on coral reefs for their subsistence and livelihoods. By working strategically to protect climate refuge reefs, the CRRI aims to increase the resilience of these coral-dependent coastal communities.
The project will support knowledge sharing of best practices, community-led coastal resource management, and help to create new job opportunities.
Right Image – WWF Photo Credits
Image: WW183483
Copyright Credit: © Jürgen Freund / WWF
Further Information
Please visit the CRRI website for further information on this import conservation effort:
Lab Contributes
Prof. Ove Hoegh-Guldberg
Carol Phua
Cristiane Livsey
The Initiative is implemented by a partnership of organizations, including:
Core Partners:
Government institutions in the participating countries