“Climate Shifts” is a blog focused on climate change, natural ecosystems, politics, environment, and much more and can be found at www.climateshifts.org.
The blog started life back in 2007 by Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, who has had a long history with the climate change issue, both within the media and the scientific world.

Ove started blogging for two main reasons:
1) Concern about our rapidly shifting climate, and its impacts on both natural ecosystems and the people that depend on them.
2) To improve how science is communicated – to ensure its wide dissemination while maintaining its neutrality and impartiality.
If you would like to read Ove’s latest observations about living in this changing world, please head over to Climate Shifts and join in the discussion!
Listen to a recent interview of Ove with Jonica Newby for the ABC Science Show.